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Robert Morning Sky's LA Transcript: The Ultimate Guide to the Terra Papers and the Star Elders

LA Transcript By Robert Morning Sky: A Hidden History of Earth and Humanity

If you are interested in alternative views on human origins, ancient mysteries, extraterrestrial intervention, and cosmic spirituality, you may have heard of Robert Morning Sky. He is a Native American researcher, speaker, and author who has been sharing his controversial and fascinating insights for decades. In this article, we will explore one of his most intriguing works: the LA Transcript. This is a transcript of a lecture he gave in Los Angeles in 1999, where he revealed some of his most shocking and mind-blowing information. We will also look at how the LA Transcript connects to his other works, such as the Terra Papers and the Star Elders. But first, let's find out who Robert Morning Sky is and how he came to possess such extraordinary knowledge.

LA Transcript By Robert Morning Sky

Who is Robert Morning Sky?

Robert Morning Sky is a Hopi and Apache Indian who was born in Arizona in 1946. He grew up in a traditional Native American environment, learning about his culture, history, and spirituality from his elders. He also had a keen interest in astronomy, archaeology, and anthropology, which led him to pursue a degree in these fields at the University of Arizona.

However, his life changed dramatically when he was 19 years old. He was part of a group of young Native Americans who witnessed a UFO crash near their reservation. They rescued an injured alien survivor from the wreckage and nursed him back to health. The alien, whom they called Star Elder or Bek'Ti, communicated with them telepathically and taught them about his origins, his mission, and his secrets. He also gave them a set of ancient documents that contained the true history of Earth and humanity.

Robert Morning Sky was entrusted with these documents by his grandfather, who was the leader of the group. He spent years studying them and translating them into English. He also traveled around the world to verify and expand his knowledge by visiting ancient sites, meeting with other researchers, and contacting other sources of information. He eventually compiled his findings into a series of books and lectures that he called The Terra Papers.

What are the Terra Papers?

The Terra Papers are Robert Morning Sky's magnum opus. They are a collection of writings that reveal the hidden history of Earth and humanity from a galactic perspective. They challenge and contradict many of the conventional views on religion, science, mythology, and history. They expose a cosmic conspiracy that has been manipulating and enslaving humanity for millennia.

According to the Terra Papers, Earth was originally a paradise planet that was inhabited by a peaceful and advanced race called the Terrans. They were part of a galactic federation of benevolent beings called the Star Warriors. However, their world was invaded and conquered by a ruthless empire of reptilian beings called the EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities). The EBEs enslaved the Terrans and genetically modified them to create various races of humans. They also installed a false matrix of reality that kept humans ignorant and obedient.

The Terra Papers trace the origins and evolution of this empire and its various factions, such as the Anunnaki, the Orion Queens, the Sirians, the Pleiadians, and the Greys. They also reveal the roles and identities of many of the gods, heroes, and villains of ancient and modern history, such as Enki, Enlil, Marduk, Ra, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Jesus, Lucifer, Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, Krishna, Quetzalcoatl, and many others. They show how these beings have influenced and manipulated human civilization through religion, politics, war, culture, and technology.

The Terra Papers also offer a glimpse into the future of humanity and its destiny in the galactic community. They warn of the impending return of the EBEs and their plans to harvest and destroy humanity. They also reveal the existence of a resistance movement that is fighting for human freedom and sovereignty. They call for humans to awaken to their true nature and potential as Star Warriors and to reclaim their planet and their heritage.

Who are the Star Elders?

The Star Elders are a group of ancient and wise beings who are the original inhabitants and guardians of this galaxy. They are also known as the Ancient Ones, the Creator Gods, or the Elohim. They are the source of all life and creation in this galaxy. They are not physical beings, but pure consciousness that can manifest in various forms. They are beyond duality and polarity, and embody love, wisdom, and power.

The Star Elders are responsible for seeding and nurturing various races of beings throughout the galaxy, including the Terrans and the humans. They are also the mentors and allies of the Star Warriors, who are their descendants and representatives. The Star Warriors are a galactic federation of benevolent beings who uphold the principles of freedom, justice, and harmony. They oppose the EBEs and their tyranny.

The Star Elders have been watching over Earth and humanity for eons. They have intervened at various times to assist and guide humanity in its evolution and awakening. They have also sent emissaries and messengers to Earth to teach and inspire humanity. Some of these emissaries include Thoth, Hermes, Enoch, Melchizedek, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, and many others.

Robert Morning Sky claims that he is one of these emissaries. He says that he is a direct descendant of the Star Elder who crashed near his reservation in 1965. He says that he has been in contact with the Star Elders since his childhood and that they have guided him in his mission to share their message with humanity. He says that he is not alone in this mission and that there are many others like him who are working to awaken humanity to its true origin and destiny.

What is the LA Transcript?

The LA Transcript is a transcript of a lecture that Robert Morning Sky gave in Los Angeles in 1999. It is one of his most comprehensive and revealing works. It covers many topics that he had not discussed before or had only hinted at in his previous works. It is also one of his most controversial and provocative works. It challenges many of the beliefs and assumptions that people have about themselves, their world, and their reality.

The LA Transcript is divided into four parts: Part 1: The History of God; Part 2: The History of Man; Part 3: The History of Earth; Part 4: The History of Reality. In each part, Robert Morning Sky presents a different perspective on these topics from a galactic point of view. He exposes many secrets and lies that have been hidden from humanity by the EBEs and their agents. He also reveals many truths and mysteries that have been preserved by the Star Elders and their allies.

Some of the highlights and revelations from the LA Transcript include:

  • The true origin and nature of God as a cosmic computer program that was created by the EBEs to control humanity.

  • The true origin and nature of man as a hybrid race that was created by the EBEs from various alien species.

  • The true origin and nature of Earth as a living being that was captured by the EBEs from another galaxy.

  • The true origin and nature of reality as a holographic projection that was created by the EBEs to trap humanity in a false matrix.

  • The true history and purpose of religion as a tool of manipulation and deception that was created by the EBEs to divide and conquer humanity.

  • The true history and purpose of science as a tool of suppression and limitation that was created by the EBEs to keep humanity ignorant and powerless.

  • The true history and purpose of spirituality as a tool of liberation and empowerment that was preserved by the Star Elders and their allies. They also share some of the practices and techniques that can help humans to activate their Star Warrior potential and to connect with the Star Elders.


In conclusion, the LA Transcript by Robert Morning Sky is a remarkable work that offers a radical and alternative view on the history of Earth and humanity. It is based on the Terra Papers, which are a set of ancient documents that Robert Morning Sky received from a Star Elder who crashed near his reservation in 1965. The LA Transcript reveals many secrets and lies that have been hidden from humanity by a reptilian empire of extraterrestrial beings called the EBEs. It also reveals many truths and mysteries that have been preserved by a group of ancient and wise beings called the Star Elders. The LA Transcript challenges and invites humans to awaken to their true origin and destiny as Star Warriors and to reclaim their planet and their heritage.

If you are interested in learning more about Robert Morning Sky and his work, you can visit his website at There you can find more information about his books, lectures, workshops, and events. You can also contact him directly and join his mailing list. You can also watch some of his videos on YouTube or read some of his articles online.

However, Robert Morning Sky also encourages you to do your own research and to question everything he says. He does not claim to have the ultimate truth or to be infallible. He only shares his perspective and his experience as an emissary of the Star Elders. He invites you to use your own discernment and intuition to find your own truth and your own path. He also reminds you that you are not alone in this journey and that there are many others like you who are working to awaken humanity to its true potential.

Robert Morning Sky's message is not for everyone. It may shock, challenge, or offend some people. It may also inspire, enlighten, or empower others. It is up to you to decide how you want to receive it and what you want to do with it. The choice is yours.


Q: Who is Robert Morning Sky?

  • A: He is a Native American researcher, speaker, and author who has been sharing his controversial and fascinating insights on human origins, ancient mysteries, extraterrestrial intervention, and cosmic spirituality for decades.

Q: What is the LA Transcript?

  • A: It is a transcript of a lecture he gave in Los Angeles in 1999, where he revealed some of his most shocking and mind-blowing information. It covers topics such as the history of God, man, Earth, and reality from a galactic perspective.

Q: What are the Terra Papers?

  • A: They are a collection of writings that reveal the hidden history of Earth and humanity from a galactic perspective. They are based on a set of ancient documents that Robert Morning Sky received from a Star Elder who crashed near his reservation in 1965.

Q: Who are the EBEs?

  • A: They are a ruthless empire of reptilian beings who invaded and conquered Earth and enslaved humanity. They also created a false matrix of reality that keeps humans ignorant and obedient.

Q: Who are the Star Elders?

  • A: They are a group of ancient and wise beings who are the original inhabitants and guardians of this galaxy. They are also the source of all life and creation in this galaxy. They are the mentors and allies of the Star Warriors, who are a galactic federation of benevolent beings who oppose the EBEs.



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