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Seraphim Yefimov
Seraphim Yefimov

[S1E7] Something Blue PORTABLE

But he quickly realized something was seriously wrong when Rizzuto started shouting in the air. It was too hard for him to believe, but (and I called it in my Project Blue Book Season 1 Episode 6 Review) Rizzuto was a double agent.

[S1E7] Something Blue

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I don't know what he hopes to accomplish hiding it in his trunk because that thing is dangerous. It activated the minute he closed the trunk which was weird, so I wonder if the Men in the Black Hats have something to do with it or if it's something that is being traced by the Air Force.

After Penny embarks on some traveling, and survives even landing in a volcano, he decides to patch things up with Kady by reading her mind and learning all about her. He decides to steal something from Mayakovsky so that she can buy her freedom from Marina.

Helge Doppler has a dream, remembering when he was a child, waking up on the floor of the room decorated like a nursery with bright blue cartoon wallpaper - the torture bunker. The left side of his face is bloodied and battered. He looks around the room and touches the chair. The old man wakes up and cries out, "I remember. I remember everything."

Egon goes to the nuclear power plant and is greeted by Helge Doppler. He explains that Martin wants to document the routes and times of everyone working at the plant on the night of Mads's disappearance. Helge appears uncomfortable and says he has to do his rounds soon. Egon offers to arrange a time to meet with him at the station. He tells him in two days. Helge nervously adds that everything was normal that night; he had finished his shift at 6:00 PM, then drove home via the state road. Egon questions why he wouldn't have taken the forest road, which would have been faster. Helge answers that he needed to pick something up for his father. Egon then asks if he saw Ulrich that day, to which he replies no. He writes the rendezvous in his calendar.

Charlotte meets with Ulrich and tells him she will have to suspend him for that. She should have taken him from the case straight away. She assures him that Helge has dementia and could not be responsible for the disappearance of three children. Ulrich remains suspicious he had something to do with it. Charlotte tells him to go home.

It seems to be a tour bus catering to the Chinese, and a woman is explaining something in Mandarin to the group. Dutton is incensed, not just by the intrusion on his land, but by their proximity to the dangerous bear.

By the way, this scene feels a little silly. It exists to set something up later (which is in itself pretty silly), and for John to fire a gun and say something cool to the camera, but I'm not sure it makes a lot of sense. I realize that tourists can e fool-hardy, but are these guys really going to get that close to a bear? Don't they have dangerous animals in China, too? Or are they trying to feed themselves to the bear?

In the hills, however, we're back to broad comedy as three of the hands, including Jimmy and Walker, are setting out to deal with the bear. Only none of them remembered to bring the rifle, and Jimmy ends up out of the saddle. He climbs a tiny tree and yells until Walker, maybe the best roper of the bunkhouse boys, ropes the bear and leads it away. Ropes the grizzly bear and safely leads it away? This is, so far, the most ridiculous scene of Yellowstone so far. Again, not complaining - I'm thoroughly entertained. But this feels a lot something out of Bonanza or Wonder Woman, really, than the tone Yellowstone typically goes for.

Dutton arrives at the ranch with Tate, and something is ailing him big time. He's in great pain, so he tells Beth to take care of Tate for a while. Beth protests that she's not one to take care of kids, and Dutton snaps that he's not asking and then goes upstairs to deal with the pain. He finds blood in his stool, not a good sign.

It\u2019s an open secret at this point that Hemsworth, for his considerable action cred, is really a comedic ace, and Party Thor exploits that strength at every turn. Hemsworth has little ego and revels in undercutting the gravitas expected of him. Of course, he\u2019s no less charming, and that\u2019s borne out by Jane\u2019s persistent belief in his potential. She\u2019s ever the straight woman to the Asgardian antics at hand, but Portman delivers a lighter, feistier Jane here than we\u2019ve seen up to this point (fingers crossed for more of this in Love and Thunder.) Heck, even Loki -- amusingly giant and blue after his upbringing as a giant on Jotunheim -- loves this version of Thor. Their shockingly close relationship (\u201clike brothers!\u201d) here is a subtle reminder of just how heavy the conflict over Asgard\u2019s throne weighed on the siblings in the early days of the MCU. And multiverse be damned, Darcy\u2019s still gonna be snarky and weird! But, like, hooking up with and marrying Howard the Duck (Seth Green) weird. I wish Mr. and Mrs. The Duck all the best as the new undisputed power couple of the MCU.

Walt and Skyler come home, and Skyler, outraged, tells him that Marie stole something and denied it when confronted. Walt tells her that "people sometimes do things for their families." Skyler asks him if that justifies stealing, and Walt asks her what if it was him who did something criminal; if she would then divorce him and turn him in to the police. Both playful and serious, she replies, "You don't want to find out."

  • Walt and Jesse meet with Tuco again, and present the four pounds of meth as promised. Tuco is curious to know why the meth is blue, and Walt explains that they used a different process, but Tuco concludes that he is happy with the result regardless of the color, and tells Walt that he will gladly keep paying him as long as he keeps bringing him meth. The deal seems to be over, but one of Tuco's henchmen, No-Doze, decides to warn Walt and Jesse against crossing Tuco. Tuco is furious that an underling would presume to speak on his behalf, and beats the poor guy to a pulp in a fit of rage. As Tuco walks laughing away, Walt and Jesse looks on in shock at what just happened, realizing that they're in pretty deep.This episode provides examples of: Auto Erotica: Skyler and Walt get hot and heavy in their car, in the school parking lot no less.

  • Bad Boss: Tuco establishes he's not above pummeling his own men at the slightest provocation. Walt and Jesse take note.

  • BFG: The seemingly invulnerable one belonging to Those Wacky Nazis in Walt's anecdote.

  • Blatant Lies: Walt shows Skyler an advertisement of a Navajo sweat lodge ceremony to provide a cover for when he needs to spend the weekend cooking with Jesse. It succeeds partially because Skyler was herself inquisitive about alternative medicine with the doctor in a previous episode. Walt continues when Skyler smells the chemicals on Walt following the cook and asks what the smell is. His reply, "Sacred Navajo herbs."

  • Blood Knight: Last episode, Tuco had Jesse beat up to make a point. The end of this episode establishes he really does just enjoy it.

  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: Tuco's henchman who didn't get his face smashed in doesn't emote at all except for a quick non-verbal "Just leave it alone" look to Walt and Jesse. That and his automaticity of calm dragging the body into the SUV make it clear this is far from the first time he's seen Tuco do this.

  • Covert Pervert: Walt Jr. casually video-tapes a party-guest's cleavage.

  • Dare to Be Badass: Walt's speech to Jesse encouraging him to make something of himself.

  • David vs. Goliath: Essentially the point of the above and below-mentioned story Walt tells.

  • Disproportionate Retribution: Tuco beats No-Doze within inches of his life for an offhand comment that Walt and Jesse should remember who they work for. In the following episode, No-Doze ends up dying of his injuries.

  • Down in the Dumps: Walt decides the meeting with Tuco and his crew should happen in a junkyard, much to Jesse's chagrin and Tuco's confusion.Walt: What's wrong with it? It's private. Jesse: This is like a non-criminal's idea of a drug meet. This is like, "Ooh, I saw this in a movie. Ooh, look at me."

  • Dumbass Has a Point: Jesse tells Walt the better way to conduct deals is in public spaces instead of behind abandoned areas or scrapyards. Walt doesn't take any of it, but once Tuco shows up, he asks why they couldn't have just met at Taco Cabeza or something, which makes Jesse shoot a glance.

  • Even Evil Has Standards: When Walt realises Tuco is ready to kill his henchman he tries to calm him down so that he doesn't go through with it. When he does both Walt and Jesse are horrified.

  • Evil Feels Good: While not quite evil yet, Walt's sudden confidence and satisfaction is noted by Skyler. His sex-drive in particular jumpstarts while listening to his crimes described to him in public, leading to him and Skyler having a quickie in the parking lot.

  • Evil Laugh: After Tuco beats up No-Doze, he tells Heisenberg to prepare him a new batch of meth next week. Tuco then lets out a laugh of satisfaction at Walter White.

  • Forbidden Fruit: Hank calls Cuban cigars this, while Walt notes the Irony of a DEA agent using what is technically an illegal drug.

  • Foreshadowing: In universe, as Walt drops subtle hints of his criminal double-life to Skyler and Hank.

  • Gallows Humor: When Hank fears he upset Walt by offering him a cigar, the latter just dryly notes that he's already got lung cancer and obliges in a cigar.

  • Get Out!: Jesse's able to get the prospective buyers out of his house.

  • Gone Horribly Right: After all Walt and Jesse's work and close calls, they succeed in bringing Tuco the required amount of meth. Then the ecstatic Tuco in a rage beats his own henchman to a pulp, and Walt and Jesse are reminded of exactly what kind of work they've signed up for.

  • I Have This Friend: Walt hypothetically asks what Skyler would do if he were in Marie's shoes.

  • I Need a Freaking Drink: Casual example when Hank asks Walt for something a little stronger than beer.

  • Innocently Insensitive: Hank quickly realizes his mistake when offering the lung-cancer stricken Walt a cigar, not that he appears to mind.

  • Let Me Tell You a Story: Walt engages in the tried-and-true Wicked Cultured cliche of telling a story referencing history or literature to make a point, in this case to World War II.

  • Making Love in All the Wrong Places: In addition to the above-mentioned car sex, shortly before that Walt brazenly engages in some foreplay while in the middle of the school meeting regarding the meth-equipment investigation.

  • MacGyvering: This episode, Walt blows even more shit up. The MacGyver factor is turned up higher this time around because he makes thermite out of old Etch-A-Sketches!

  • Mistaken for Thief: Skyler is mistaken for her shoplifting sister and nearly taken to the police.

  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Tuco, again, on No-Doze after he insinuates Walt and Jesse should respect Tuco more.

  • Oh, Crap!: Jesse and Walt's silent but very clear reaction to the aforementioned No-Holds-Barred Beatdown.

  • Overt Rendezvous: Jesse points out that most of his drug deals take place at restaurants or malls. Mainly so the event doesn't look inconspicuous, but more importantly, to discourage outbursts from people like Tuco.

  • Pet the Dog: Walt stays true to his word from the previous episode and gives Jesse an extra $15,000 to compensate for his injuries.

  • Point of No Return: If there was ever a clearer point for Walt and Jesse that they aren't exiting the drug trade easily, it would be seeing Tuco beat No-Doze within an inch of his life for the crime of speaking for him.

  • Rousing Speech: Walt gives one to Jesse when he tries to walk out on him when he can't pronounce the scientific names on the shopping list Walt wrote for him.Walt: Jesse, Jesse, Jesse, listen to me: Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Jesse: ...What are you doing? Walt: This is the first day of the rest of your life but what kind of life will it be, huh? Will it be a life of fear? Of 'oh no no no I can't do this', never once believing in yourself? Jesse: [confused] ...I don't know.

  • Series Fauxnale: Arguably the first in the series. Due to the Writers' Guild Strike cutting production short, the season ends on a dark, but overall, ambiguous note. The ending doubles as a lead-in to the next season, and as a Here We Go Again! ending if the show did not get renewed.

  • Shout-Out: When Jesse sees Walt again after he shaved his head, he says he resembles another Bald Villain.

  • The title of the episode is a reference to the film Fargo.

  • Spanner in the Works: Jesse had no idea that his realtor planned an open house exactly when he and Walt are cooking in the basement.

  • Too Dumb to Live: Sure, Walt and Jesse wouldn't be aware of the full extent of Tuco's Ax-Crazyness, but you would think No-Doze, someone used to working under such an unpredictable lunatic, would've known to be more cautious than to make a warning on his behalf right in front of him. While the total innocuousness of his error makes it mainly just highlight Tuco's sheer instability, it does give the impression he's much newer to the gang than his partner.note As the prequel Better Call Saul shows, he has not only been with Tuco for a while, but has even been warned by Tuco about speaking for him unprompted before. So yes, he really did just make a terminally dumb mistake.

  • Uncertain Doom: No-Doze is either in critical condition or dead with that much head trauma.

  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Walter decides to make the deal with Tuco in a remote location rather than a public one, prompting Jesse to reprimand him for getting too many ideas from movies. Tuco's beating of No-Doze proves Jesse's point; Tuco could have just as easily killed them and gotten away with no witnesses.

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life." 041b061a72


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